Dan Random walks us though the track list

Dan Random walks us though the track list

So, we’ve had a few messages from people asking about the lyrics on the new album and what they mean, so here in his own words is BBP’s very own Dan Random to take us though each track.

I’m Still Here:
Life has many obstacles and they can sometimes seem too big to clear.
Put those fears and worries into God’s hands. He has your back.

Think life as a Christian is easy? On the contrary, it can actually seem quite the opposite. But God’s strength endures.

Renewed Heart:
A song about God’s timing vs your own.
“Swearing as the Angels sing.”
I’m not the most patient of people and it took a long time for this album to materialise. I often questioned whether the band was suppose to even exist due to the length of time it was taking to happen.
But God sees the bigger picture when we often can’t.
Demons Within:
Everyone has their own demons. Mine are social anxiety, low confidence, feelings of inadequacy and a need to hide it all behind a ‘mask’.
These feelings have over-spilled into my everyday life for years. My faith in God has been helping me for just as many.
This song is the most personal to me and the song that I had the highest input into writing. My musical influences are probably most on display in this song than any other: early Iced Earth, stabs of Judas Priest and a healthy pinch of Testament.


Everyone has their own demons. Mine are social anxiety, low confidence, feelings of inadequacy and a need to hide it all behind a ‘mask’.
Moment of Clarity:
An assassin enters a church to kill a priest. He leaves a very different man.
We’ve all hit rock bottom at some point in our lives. Where that lies is different for everybody, but we’ve all been there.
Philippians 4:13 is one of the most famous Bible verses. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
This is a great verse for motivation, but considering that Paul wrote this whilst in prison (a deep, dark hole with no sanitation!) a more literal translation would mean to “… ENDURE all things through Christ.”
It doesn’t matter where you are in life, where you have been or where you believe you are heading. God will find you and He can help you. You just have to look for the Light.
Pain and Suffering:
Think life as a Christian is easy? On the contrary, it can actually seem quite the opposite. But God’s strength endures.
This song is inspired by the book of Job. Being a Christian you still have to endure LIFE as anyone else; the difference is that you have God as your safety net to fall into and pillar to lean upon.


Philippians 4:13 … considering that Paul wrote this whilst in prison (a deep, dark hole with no sanitation!) a more literal translation would mean to “… ENDURE all things through Christ.”

I’m Strong:
Standing up to the Devil and throwing down the gauntlet.
“You will not beat me.”
I feel these lyrics are a challenge to Satan. They’re taunting him. You’ve pulled the glove from your hand and slapped him hard across the face with it.
Never Alone:
When you walk with God, you never walk alone.
I was reading Psalms one time and the word “walk” leapt off the page at me. It was as if the word had been highlighted. I knew from that moment I was going to have to write some Bible-infused travelling metaphors as lyrics.
And I think the fact that they were for the longest song on the album really helped to drive the “journey” home.


You can order your copy today though the online store or via your favorite download site.


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